Contaminated Land

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At ENV Solutions, our certified environmental practitioners specialise in comprehensive contaminated land management (CLM) solutions. Partnering with clients, regulators, and stakeholders, our team of engineers, scientists, and project managers work to understand soil, water and vapour contamination challenges. In the field of contaminated land, our primary aim is to mitigate potential risk to both human and ecological health.

Key Capabilities:

  • Preliminary Site Investigations (PSI)
  • Detailed Site Investigations (DSI)
  • Remediation Action Plans (RAP)
  • Validation and Monitoring
  • Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
  • Sampling and Analysis Quality Plan (SAQP)
  • Unexpected Finds Protocol

Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI)

ENV Solutions environmental consultants actively collaborate with stakeholders to assess any past or present potentially contaminating activities onsite. As part of the Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI), our team of environmental engineering consultants may collect soil, water and vapour samples with the support of our in-house environmental drilling service.
The outcome is a Preliminary Site Investigation report, known as a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment report, which categorises the site’s suitability or indicates if a Detailed Site Investigation (DSI) is necessary.

Detailed Site Investigation (DSI)

Following the PSI, ENV’s team of certified environmental practitioners (CenvP), environmental consultants and environmental engineers may be required to further define the nature, extent, and degree of contamination onsite by way of a Detailed Site Investigation (DSI), or Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment.

This phase often entails extensive soil, water, and vapour sampling to fill contamination data gaps across the site. The central objective of the DSI is to determine potential exposure pathways and gauge the potential risks contaminants may pose to humans and the environment. The DSI also provides the information required to formulate a Remediation Action Plan (RAP), if required.

Remediation Action Plan (RAP)

A Remediation Action Plan (RAP), or Phase 3 Environmental Site Assessment, sets the blueprint for a strategic remediation approach and defines clean-up criteria. Collaborating with stakeholders, the RAP pinpoints potential remediation technologies for soil, water, or vapour and outline how these technologies should be implemented to remediate the site. When applicable, regulatory authorities may recommend that environmental consultants develop an Unexpected Finds Protocol to manage unanticipated contaminants encountered during the remediation process.

The development of RAPs is a joint venture between ENV’s environmental consultants in and our environmental remediation team. This collaboration ensures that the remediation solutions are not just effective, but also innovative and achievable, leveraging ENV’s advanced remediation plant and equipment.

Validation and Monitoring

Typically conducted during or post-construction, the purpose of the validation process is to determine if clean-up goals outlined in the RAP have been met or if additional remediation is warranted to father manage or monitor contaminants.
As part of the validation process, ENV’s team of environmental consultants gather soil, water, or vapour samples as specified locations and frequencies outlined in the RAP. Working closely alongside the client and regulator, our suitably qualified person (SQP) verifies that the remediation objectives are met.

Environmental Management Plans (EMP):

Where a full site clean-up is not feasible or possible, the regulator may request an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) that documents mitigation measures and/or ongoing environmental monitoring requirements.
Developed in careful consideration of exposure pathways, ENV’s expert consultants collaborate with stakeholders to craft EMPs that meet all regulatory criteria.

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